Current Backwoods Ambassadors


Talon Sei

Talon Sei
Instagram | YouTube | Website

Based in Colorado, Talon is one of our hardest working ambassadors, and he's also a super genuine dude. His quality content and sick vehicle builds are second to none. You can usually find Talon or one of his builds in our booth at the Overland Expo shows.


Feral Pig

Josh Bratcher
Instagram | TikTok

Josh is one of the most passionate dudes we have on our team. You can clearly tell he doesn't care about Instagram clout or fame, but is a true offroader at heart, which is the biggest reason we partnered with him. He's incredibly humble, genuine, and always carries positive vibes. Also, he's a biiiiig friend of beers.


Zachary Diehl

Zachary Diehl
Instagram | YouTube | TikTok

Not only is Zach hilarious, but his energy is insanely infectious. Most people see Zach's funny side, but off camera, he's an outstanding dude. Zach took an enormous leap of faith leaving behind the comforts of a secure job, and is now living his best life, and we couldn't be more happy for him. 


Last Line of Defense

Mike Pfeiffer
Instagram | YouTube | Website

You guys probably already know Mike, but if you don't, I don't know what to tell you. Mike is one of the OG overlanders and has been making amazing content for years. We've partnered with Mike on his van builds and have helped take them to the next level.  


ARK Offroad

Grant Willbanks
Instagram | YouTube | Website

Grant is our Marketing Director here at Backwoods, but also has been doing YouTube on the side for years. We actually brought him on to help us develop our Toyota products. Grant is a diehard Toyota guy and shares a passion for this lifestyle. You'll be sure to find him on the trails or at an overland expo. 


Adobo 4Runner

Rovie Flores
Instagram | YouTube

Rovie was one of our first 4Runner ambassadors, and actually was the pioneer for the "prerunner" style front bumper. Rovie is another one of those dudes that just gets it. He's super genuine and loves building vehicles. And he's definitely got one of our favorite 4Runner builds out there.


Drew Simms

Drew Simms
Instagram | YouTube 

Drew is the KING of content. Without a doubt, Drew's work is completely out of this world. We knew we had to partner with him on his Tacoma build. While he's definitely got one of the baddest trucks builds out there, he's also one of our best content creators.


She Wanders Earth

Dominique Ritchie
Instagram | YouTube | TikTok | Website

Hailing from Canada, Dominique is a vanlife expert. She's a true DIY'er and not afraid to get her hands dirty. I mean, afterall, she built her whole van! We love working with people like this. Dominique is a true adventure seeker and we can't wait to see where she goes next! 



Megan Adolph
Instagram | Website

Megan probably has the sickest and most unique 170 extended Sprinter build we've seen. Megan is all about a holistic lifestyle and it's evident in all she does, including her van build. Her super sweet and caring personality makes her a stranger to no one. Keep crushing Megan!

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BRF Taco

Benjamin Fitzpatrick
Instagram: @brf_taco

Ben has a FULLY kitted Backwoods Tacoma. I mean, at this point, it's basically just a Backwoods company truck. Ben was the first Tacoma ambassador on 37s we had, and that voodoo blue color really set this truck apart from the rest. 


Trail Tacoma

Konrad Chojnowski
Instagram | YouTube | Website

Konrad not only helps us with Marketing and Social Media, but also has full Backwoods products all over his personal truck. He's completely built his truck from the ground up. Konrad has a super positive energy and is really a joy to be around next time you're on the trails! 



Brenan Greene
Instagram | Website

Brenan also helps us with Marketing and Social Media, and runs all Backwoods products on his INSANE personal 4Runner. Brenan was the first 4Runner to be on portals, which is still nuts. He's also not afraid to have a good time and get a little sendy on the trails. 


Joe Rnr

Joe Benjoya
Instagram: @joe.rnr

Joe is just one of those dudes that you always want to be around. He's got a super positive energy and is always down for whatever. Joe is from Colorado and often helps us when we need a vehicle to display at a booth. He's got a baller 5th gen and isn't afraid to use it.


Fastrack Overland

Kris Carroll
Instagram | YouTube

Kris is one of our local homies and a true automotive enthuisast at heart. He came from a hot rod background, and is well versed in vehicles. He's taken his 4 cylinder, 2WD truck to the absolute extreme, and we're here for it. Kris is a super genuine, down to earth dude we love working with.


Brody Leven

Brody Leven
Instagram | Website

Brody has gone through a couple different vans now, but always supplies us with plenty of pictures of his adventures, often making us office dwellers super jealous. Brody is a professional skier, avid cyclist, and overall super athlete. 


Van There

Mike & Jess
Instagram | (Mike) Instagram | Website

This power couple is well known for their adventures, tips, and tricks as well as their impact on the van community. Jess is the cofounder of Sekr, an app that makes camping easier and more social, and Mike is an Architect that turned into an Artist. They travel the world and fully embrace the nomadic lifestyle. 



Chanelle Sladics & Kjersti Buaas
(C) Instagram | (K) Instagram | Website

Olympic athletes, metalists, pro snowboarders, xgames shredders, and professional adventurers are just some of the ways we can describe these two. Chanelle & Kjersti travel the world in their Sprinter spreading positive vibes and hosting incredible global women’s mindful adventure retreats.


2Runners 1 Sprinter

Brandon & Brittni
Instagram | Website

Brandon and Brittni are one of our earliest ambassadors and are the absolute sweetest couple. Not only are they both insane runners, but they build incredible vans from top to bottom. They are masters of vanlife and we often get jealous of their adventures.


Overland Tacoma

Alejandro Benarroch
Instagram | Website

Bena is an incredibly energetic and passionate dude that loves adventure. What we love most about Bena is his passion for fostering and pouring into our next generation of kids. He's the program director at Campalakai, but also an expert in watersports like fishing and skiiing, and is even a former paintball player.


Divine on the Road

Sydney Ferbrache
Instagram | Website

Sydney is a dog lover, soon to be mother, and recent newlywed who has been on the road living the van life for 6+ years. She's super creative, a blogger, and has a great way of sharing her story and day to day activities living on the road. She's an inspiration to others, and we're glad to have her on the team! 



Abbe Minor
Instagram | YouTube

Abbe is one of the realest people out there. She has gained a large following because of her sweet personality, but also her ability to show all of her DIY projects on her van build. Not many people build their entire van on their own. Most will buy one completed, but Abbe shows she's not afraid get the tools out and do some work!



Gabe Salas
Instagram: @xtrmland

Gabe is one of those dudes where you can just tell he cares deeply about vehicles. He's got one of the most put together and dialed 4Runners on our team. We're always excited when Gabe posts because there's usually some sort of crazy new upgrade he's done on his truck. 


Toyota Overlanders

Brian Rayford
Instagram | YouTube | Website

Brian is deeply rooted in Toyota and has a dialed 3rd gen Tacoma that he's got perfectly setup for overland travel. He was one of our first Tacoma ambassadors and has been with us every step of the way. Brian's chill attitude and lowkey vibe tends to make all your worries disappear.


Gnar Wagon

David Somach
Instagram | Website

David has been with us almost from the very beginning. Kelly and David are both huge adventure seekers and you can tell because every picture they post they're somewhere amazing. They're also handy on the tools and not afraid to do a little bit of wrenching!